Poor sleep
Low mood / depression
Aches & pains that won't go away
Brain fog
Abnormal cholesterol
Digestive complaints
Belly fat
Erectyle disfunction
Hypoglycemia / insulin resistance
Perimenopausal symptoms
Autism /ADHD
Estrogen dominance
Gut-Brain Axis
Diet is everything. The anxious, the insomniac, the overweight, the appleshaped, the achy, the perimenopausal, the autistic, etc., don't know how to eat, don't know what to eat, don't know when to eat.
Learn all this and start reversing your health problems the natural way: letting food be your medicine!
If you're struggling wth a health issue, chances are there is something in your lifestyle that is contributing to it.
Lifestyle and mindset will determine the course of your healing.
Without the exact protocol of targetted nutrients capable of altering in positive ways your internal biochemistry, your health issues may not regress.
Le's meet online with camera. Tell me what's wrong. I'll map out a solution plan for you. All in 20 mins live.
I do not prescribe medication, as that's the job of the Gp. I prescribe lifestyle therapeutic health-enhancing programs that include a therapeutic diet (with yummy and nutritious foods), top notch supplements, peptides (as featured in this website), and physical movement (exercise adapted to your unique needs, personality, age, and conditions; yoga; etc.). Prayer, meditation, or any form of spirituality that you like are essential too.
The Barn
Wiggins Yard
Bridge Street
Bookings: use the above form. Thank you!
I will see you on Teams or on Skype
from wherever you are in the world.
Contact me using the above form. Thank you!
"The acid reflux has disappeared at last. I have felt much more energized and mainly, the anxiety seems to be on sleeping mode! How can I thank you enough, Tatiana?"
-Jessica B., Guildford
"I'm not into eating this much as my mum always told me to eat less, so it feels uncomfortable, but I can't deny that your diet is making my weight melt like snow. I won't complain!"
Sophia C. , Esher
"Third week now and I thought I should message you to let you know that last night I slept 7 hours for the first time in years!"
Christina P. London
"No no, I no longer feel bloated. Also, my sleep is very good. I'm excited about what's next!"
Kevin M., Woking
"I've been enjoying the beef stakes and the seafood. I honestly never knew coming off my meds would ever be possible!
Stacey F., Edimbourgh
"I'm scared to every go back to eating the same as before. I need to keep my energy up and my brain focused.I'm loving this program, Tatiana."
Capucine N., Normandie
"My Gp couldn't believe it when I told him that my back pain was gone just with a diet and supplements. I said to him that you said it was due to my cortisol."
-Oli J. Woking
"Tatiana, thanks a million for the great explanation about the food and drinks. I woke up this morning determined to quit all that rubbish I've been stuffing my body with".
-Phil N., Addlestone
"Hey Tatiana, my belly is reducing in size! Ha! It never worked before on the million diets I'd tried!".
-Fernando G., Windsor
"Good-morning Tatiana, is it ok if my boyfriend eats my same diet? He says he'd never seen such yummy dishes before."
-Sarah Marie H., Hillingdon
"Hi Tatiana, I have news for you: my face is no longer swollen and my sister says my eyes look more alive. Is this all thanks to supplements or the diet? I guess both, right?"
-Ximena P., Madrid
"Hey T., is it ok if give me friend Rick your details. He wants to do the same treatment you put me on to fix his mood issues, shall I just give him your phone number?"
-Paul G., Toronto