Physical muscle weakness is a problem affecting many older people. The Goratrix peptides regulates the metabolism in the muscle and improves adaptation to exercise through a variety of mechanisms, including an antioxidant action. It has been used by athletes who wish to improve their performnce, as well as people who suffer from muscle weakness from any cause, including general age-related weakness. In a study carried out at the Medical Center of Saint Petersburg Instituge of Bioregulation and Gerontology in 2011, reserachers compared the effects of two capsules of Goratrix taken twice per day for a month, on 20 relativelyl older athletes aged between 40 nd 65 years, including 19 men and 8 women who specialized in rowing and track-and-field athletics, with a control group of 17 people who had simila level of training. The active treatement group reported an improvement of their physical efficieny, and dynamometric data also improved (e.g there was improved speed, force, standing, long jump, step-test and dorsal spine mobility parameters) when compared to the control group.
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