April 2022 was my first consult with Tatiana. After having seen so much information on Instagram referring to functional medicine, which made total sense, I was determined to seek one out close to home.
I trained hard as a triathlete & suffered with viral hepatitis in 2020 after open water swimming in a polluted river. My fitness was progressive but I still felt that maximum effort had to be given for very small steps. I always crashed around 3-4pm having a 20 minute nap, relied heavily on adrenalin throughout the day and would often react to foods for no unknown reason.
We then went on to test thyroid gland and adrenal glands, as well as pathogens in the blood, and found some very interesting results which helped the next supplementation phase. It was a surprise to confirm that I had high levels of various nasty pathogens in my system, things like cytomegalovirus, an atuoimmune-disease -causing bacteria called Klebsiella, and Candida Albicans. If I had not consulted Tatiana all those microbes would have badly ruined my health as doctors never mentioned to me the need to check for pathogens in my body before. Also, we found out thanks to the thyroid panel that I had Hashimoto's disease! And the worst part is, I had no clue that this was in progress in my body and had kept pushing as hard as possible daily in my strenuous triathlon trainings! Basically, I didn't know I needed this thorough functional check up and if I had not done it with Tatiana, I honestly can't imagine what would have happened to me.
Tatiana asked me to do a double gut cleanse for three months which was structured and very easy to follow. Within 3 weeks, everybody commented on how great my skin looked, my energy levels started to improve, but due to my thyroid problem, Tatiana didn't allow me to exercise strenuously, at least not at competition level.
Each month I'd feedback and step by step the supplements would address underlying issues, support my health and then we'd retest. This would go hand in hand with lifestyle advice including self care, nutritional tips and advice. I had to make a choice regarding my triathlon training as, I learned from Tatiana, the strenuous training was contributing to my health issues. I had to give up swimming in rivers as clearly the waters were polluted in spite of what the authorities said.
Tatiana treated my gut, she also addressed my immune response which was suppressed as under attack as I explain above, and used botanicals, nutrients, and thymus peptides for this purpose.
The whole journey was so educational and I could see my mindset, outlook and training schedule changing and improving through a much calmer approach.
10 months in and my nutrition is as organic as possible,I was a pescatarian before and now I love eating meat, my supplementation awareness is proactive...I am far less tired, I don't need to nap in the afternoons anymore, I am calmer, my gut is so healthy and I feel energized and strong. I do feel great!
Thank you Tatiana for your layered approach and wealth of knowledge & understanding!
Our Thymus Bioregulator promotes better immune system and can be used in conditions where immunity may be impaired such as during chemotherapy or radiation, colds/ infections, age-related debilitation, exposure to ionising raidation at work/accidents, etc. It can also be used as an adaptogen to improve resistance to stress.