Thyreogen may be useful in conditions affecting the thyroid, including hypo or hyperthyroidism, thyroid nodules, thyroiditis, low iodine conditions, and unclear smptoms that may be reconnected to thyroid dysfunction, such as tiredness, loss of energy, constipation, hair loss, weight gain or loss, etc.
Menopausal women, who are likely to develop some symptoms of low thyroid function, are also likely candidates for treatment. It works the same way as natural peptides in the body, and so it can be considered as a 'biological' compound. Research shows that synthetic tetrapeptides such as those containing the amino acids lysine, aspartate and glycine normalise the function of the thyroid in experimental animals, and that synthtic peptides that regulate the function of the thyroid may..."exert tissue specific effect on thyroid gland cells and enable the restoration of the disturbed thyroid tissue function". The suggested dose is two capsules a day with meals. Temember that those persons who have had their thyroid removed (thyroectomy) will not benefit from the use of peptide bioregulators, since these naural short-chain peptides require a relavant gland/tissue to 'act upon'.
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