Organic & Synthetic
(Khavinson's and non-Khavinso'ns)
According to the UN data the number of elderly and old people constantly increases worldwide, both in absolute numbers and percentage wise too.
Recently, a very important discovery in the field of biology and medicine has been made. It has been discovered that different vital resources of the human organism can be increased by 20 - 42% in respect to the experiment. This discovery occurred thanks to a new group of peptide signalling molecules.
These peptides epigenetically regulate gene expression, protein synthesis and the functions of the organs. Peptides decrease tumour incidence and increase average lifespan in experimental animal studies. Administration of peptide preparations has also shown to normalize the main functions of the human organism, as well as decrease the aging pace and mortality .
Member of the executive committee, Treasurer of the International Association of Gerontology and Geriatrics - European region
First vice–president of the Gerontological Society of the Russian Academy of Sciences
Professor of the department of Gerontology and Geriatrics at the I.I. Mechnikov North -Western State Medical University
Chief of the Department of the I.P. Pavlov Institute of Physiology of the Russian Academy of Sciences
Member of the Russian Academy of Sciences and National Academy of Medical Sciences of Ukraine
Honored Scientist of the Russian Federation
Honored Inventor of the Russian Federation
During the period 1973 - 2014 professor V. Kh. Khavinson et al. extracted over 20 complexes of physiologically active peptides from various organs , as well as 17 others synthesized from amino acids, (di-, tri-, tetrapeptides), all being covered by patents in many countries including the USA, Canada, Australia, Europe, Japan, Korea, Israel, etc.
Scientific evidence based on 30 years of experience of the use of peptide drugs in neurology, therapy, ophthalmology and other medical disciplines show the high effectiveness of this group of pharmacopoeial drugs. Over the past 15 years, the active scientific work of researchers, physicians and pharmacologists of the Russian Federation and the CIS countries has contributed to further introduction of peptides into a daily practice of neurologists, ophthalmologists, surgeons, neurosurgeons, therapists and physicians from other fields.
In terms of effectiveness, short peptides are superior to preparations based on extracts, they act in minimal dosages and do not cause side effects. This class of bioregulators has no analogues in world practice.
Our unique offers
Khavinson's peptides & non-Khavinson's peptides topicals
(non-Khavinson's) & KHAVINSON'S PEPTIDES
In the below first section, you'll find:
Epitalon - Khavinson's peptide (topical).
Can-C Eye Drops - eye drops (topical) -non-Khavinson's peptide.
Oraltide - gum & teeth mouthwash (topical) - non-Khavinson's peptide.
Nemorex - Khavinson's peptides.
Epitide - Khavinson's peptide.
Sublingual Pineal Bioregulator
Epitalon® is a synthetic vegan friendly version of the Endoluten pineal bioregulator. The short peptide Epitalon® acts as an epigenetic switch to promote protein synthesis in the pineal gland.
Epitalon® contains amino acids that re-align the internal body clock and produces the correct amount of natural Melatonin. The internal body clock is now regarded as a key feature of a healthy and long life.
Epitalon® can be used to:
Normalize levels of Melatonin
Adjust Circadian rhythms
Reduce insomnia
Prevent travel fatigue and jet lag
Suitable for vegetarians and vegans.
For more info:
2 x 5ml eye-drop bottle
Users of Can-C™ and Scientists report that these eye drops are great for many eye complaints including: Dry eye syndrome, Eye strain, Blurred vision and is also a fantastic contact lens lubricant. Can-C™ contains a special analogue of the di-peptide carnosine, a naturally occurring nutrient that combines two amino acids or protein fragments. This particular form is known as N-acetylcarnosine or NAC and is the main ingredient due to its potency at ‘mopping up’ free radicals, the root cause of tissue damage, accelerated aging in the body and cataracts.
Can-C Eye Drops are the first eye drops to normalise cataract without surgery.
Users and Scientists have reported that Can-C is also great for:
Dry eye syndrome
Contact lens lubricant
Corneal disorders
Computer vision syndrome
Eye strain
Ocular inflammation
Blurred vision
Retinal diseases
Vitreous opacities and lesions
Complications of diabetes mellitus and other systemic diseases
Open-angle primary glaucoma.
60ml Liquid (Concentrate) Bottle
A unique mouthwash that:
Promotes growth of shrinking gums;
Speeds healing of mouth & tongue;
Prevents oral infections (such as gingivitis);
Helps with enamel remineralization;
Reduces bacteria growth and etching;
And fills slots in damaged enamel.
Unique and balanced formula that contains bioregulators KE (VILON®) and EW (THYMOGEN®), which are chains of two amino acids that in multiple clinical studies have proven to be effective immunomodulatory bioregulators.
What is an Immunomodulatory Bioregulator?
NEMOREX® normalizes the immune system at a cellular level and promotes the production of own immune cells and their maturation. As an immune-bioregulator, it helps to prevent colds and viral diseases, including COVID-19, and the development of tumor diseases. NEMOREX®Spray is an oral spray that delivers vilon and thymogen peptides directly into the bloodstream, without passing through the digestive system to guarantee faster and better absorption.
Benefits Include:
Boost immunity.
Prevent various illness.
Main component - Synthesized thymus peptides Thymogen* and Vilon**.
*Thymogen improves the course of cellular metabolic processes. It enhances the expression of differentiation receptors on lymphocytes, normalizes the number of T-helpers, cytotoxic T-lymphocytes and their ratio in patients with various immunodeficiency states.
Dietary supplement based on natural peptide EPITHALAMIN® and a mixture of vitamins and minerals. Epitide® / Epithalamin® acts as an epiginetic switch that triggers protein synthesis in the pineal gland.
Benefits include:
Normalizing cyrcadian rythms.
Relieving fatigue.
Improving mental performance and memory enhancement.
Increasing Stress-resistance.
Advanced delivery form, ensuring active ingredient is absorbed directly in the mouth.
Zero excipients, gelatin, cellulose, GMO’s or preservatives.
Main component - Khavinson's short peptide of the pineal gland EPITHALAMIN®
JointPro™ 30ml – Joints and Muscle Relief Cream is a new, unique peptide-based cream available in a 30ml pump, with results for relieving pain in the joints, muscles and tendons backed up by clinical studies. JointPro™ has also been seen in studies to relieve pain caused by arthritis, degenerative joint disease and tendonitis.
JointPro™ contains the first transdermal ICPP Peptide that has specifically developed to address pain in these areas.
Other benefits:
Anti-inflammatory effects.
Cooling or warming effect to give immediate relief from pain in the affected areas.
Enhances collagen synthesis, ECM (Extracellular matrix) tissue regeneration and Hyaluronic acid (HA) in tendon and cartilage cells (chondrocytes).
Aids articular tissue repair – this is the tissue that covers the ends of the bones at the joints.
The peptide preparations of the thymus, ('Thymalin', peptides EW and KE) was shown to be effective in the treatment of many diseases and conditions associated with decreased cell immunity and phagocytosis after radiotherapy and chemotherapy in cancer patients. It also had an effect in many other clinical setting such as cases of acute and chronic infectious and inflammatory diseases, overuse of antibiotics, oppression of the regeneration processes in post-traumatic and postoperative complications, obliterating diseases of arteries, chronic liver or prostate diseases, and complex treatment of certain forms of tuberculosis.
Khavinson-Peptides International Research Foundation
Below you'll find the 21 natural Khavinson's peptides that he developed from organic bovine tissue, initially for the Russian army.
“The journey began in the 1980s when I was a medical Colonel in the then Soviet army. The Kremlin was concerned about new American weapons such as a battlefield laser that would blind troops, or the fact that our submariners’ and missile silo operators were being exposed to low levels of radiation for long periods. They wanted answers that would help protect and maintain the troops’ health and indeed reverse various conditions. In fact, because of their jobs, some of these individuals were literally showing signs of premature aging; so we could say we were developing an antiaging medicine.”
- Pr. Vladimir Khavinson.
For the TESTES and can help support and improve conditions related to weak testosterone production and associated issues including libido, erectile dysfunction and male infertility. May be combined with the Blood Vessel & Prostate Bioregulator.
Improves the ADRENAL gland performance which produces cortisol, adrenaline and noradrenaline hormones. In turn this help to improve stress reaction, reduce apathy and improve control of the body’s metabolism. The Adrenal Bioregulator also helps support the endocrine system in elderly people._
Helps to balance the BONE MARROW function especially with regard to red blood cell production. It is good therefore for treating both anaemic and polycythaemic patients and generally boosting the hematopoietic system. It also helps to rebuild the bone marrow.
Regulates the metabolism processes in the BRAIN cells and restoration of the CENTRAL NERVOUS SYSTEM function. It helps patients with brain injuries and diseases such as chronic fatigue syndrome, multiple sclerosis, depression, Parkinson’s and Alzheimer’s. Also helps with memory loss, stress and stroke recovery. Depending upon condition use with the Pineal Bioregulator, Blood Vessel Bioregulator and the retina bioregulator.
Improves the performance of the STOMACH by normalising the digestive functions, helping to prevent gastric ulcers and polyps. It also helps to prevent heartburn, belching and the feeling of heaviness in the stomach._
Professor Khavinson and his award winning team at the St Petersburg Institute of Biogerontology have discovered that each organ / gland has a biological reserve and despite the origin of the tissue they have studied, incredibly each one is always set at 42%.
Helps to normalise the KIDNEY function especially in cases with patients suffering from gout nephropathy along with reducing uric acid and urea. It may also help with urothiasis disease, renal failure and chronic pyelonephritis. May also be used in combination with the Bladder and Blood Vessel Bioregulators.
Several experiments showed that peptides can induce differentiation and proliferation, as well as suppress apoptosis of cells, depending on the structure of the substance added. The results of these studies concludes that there is a possibility of targeted induction of cell differentiation and an employment of a biological cellular reserve, of various organs and tissues. This is the fundamentals for enhancing functions and reserves of human organism, as well as increasing the human lifespan to its maximal capacity.
Helps to regulate the OVARIES and their production of estrogen and progesterone hormones, which during perimenopause and menopause can vary considerably. This is most commonly seen in hot flushes but can also cause menstrual irregularities, poor sleep patterns, vaginal dryness and low libido. The hormone imbalance may also lead to female infertility.
For regulating the metabolism processes in MUSCLES by improving their physical efficiency and ability to adapt in extreme conditions. Also has antioxidant properties and helps to regulate the peroxidation processes in the muscular tissues. The Muscle Bioregulator ® can be an effective means to restore the function of muscles under intense physical load as in sports and generally improve body mobility. Can be used with the Cartilage and Blood Vessel Bioregulators.
Helps to improve the LUNG function by having a regulatory effect on the bronchial mucosa so normalising their metabolism and enhancing their functional performance. Ideal for patients with bronchial conditions such as chronic bronchitis, bronchial asthma and pulmonary disease. It may also be used in recovery from a chronic cardiac failure in conjunction with the Heart & Blood Vessel Bioregulator._
As a bioregulator for the THYROID, Thyreogen has been shown to help treat both hyperthyroidism and hypothyroidism. Also a poorly performing thyroid gland can lead to autoimmune thyroiditis. May be combined with the Blood Vessel Bioregulator.
May be used to help balance the functions of LIVER and combat diseases such as hepatitis, whilst combating fatigue and decreasing dyspeptic disorders. It may also help patients with atherosclerosis, diabetes and obesity disorders. It may therefore be combined with the Blood Vessel Bioregulator.
Helps to regulate the HEART and combat heart related conditions such as coronary artery disease, hypertension, hypertonia, myocarditis, atrial fibrillation and heart failure. It can also help with stress and may be used with a number of other bioregulators including, the Blood Vessel Bioregulator and the Liver Bioregula_tor.
For helping to repair damage to the RETINA which is often caused by diseases such as diabetic retinopathy, pigment retinitis, myopia and age-related macular degeneration. It can also be damaged by hypertension, renal insufficiency and diabetes mellitus together with smoking and alcohol. In treating the retina it is particularly synergistic with the Thymus, Blood Vessel, Pineal & Central Nervous System Bioregulators.
Helps to regulate the metabolism process in the urinary BLADDER wall cells, improving flexibility and control under fraught conditions. It has anti-oxidative properties by regulating the oxidation process in the bladder wall tissues. Has been shown to help combat overactive bladder syndrome (OBS) and benign prostate hyperlasia (BPH) improving urine flow and chronic cystitis. May be used with the Prostate Bioregulator.
Improves tropism of the CARTILAGE tissue cells and regulates the metabolic processes in it, thus reducing the risk of various joint and spine diseases, such as Osteoarthrosis, Spinal Osteochondrosis and Osteoporosis. It has reduced pain level as well as improving movement in joints and vertebrae. It can be combined with the Blood Vessel and Muscle Bioregulators for skeletal joint issues..
Prostate enlargement or BPH is the most common prostate problem for men with increased need to urinate, poor emptying of the bladder and stuttering urine flow. Other issues include prostatitis and prostate cancer. Libidon has been shown to help reduce BPH, inflammation of the prostate as well as helping with erectile dysfunction and reduced libido. Often used in combination with the Bladder and Testes Bioregulator.
For the THYMUS and immune system, Vladonix® stimulates and repairs immunological activity damaged. It has been shown to help restore patients’ immunology after radiation and chemotherapy treatment as well as infectious diseases. May be combined with a number of other peptides such as the Pineal & Blood Vessel Bioregulators for general immunology or Adrenal & Blood Vessel Bioregulators for the elderly._
Theoretical and experimental data have allowed to propose a model of peptide-DNA interactions in case of Khavinson peptides. Moreover these data enable to create a stable peptide-DNA complex.
Acts as a gene switch helping to regulate the activity of the PARATHYROID and production of calcium in the blood and bones. Treats both hyperparathyroidism and hypoparathyroidism as well as those suffering from osteoporosis and poor vitamin D absorption. Also helps to reduce bone demineralisation, urolithiasis disease, muscle cramps and to improve immunity.
For the PINEAL gland, has been shown to regulate the body’s neuroendocrine, immune and cardiovascular systems as well as improving melatonin levels and sleep patterns. It has also been shown to lengthen telomere’s and improve the overall health of the pineal gland. May be used with the Thymus, Retina, Central Nervous system and Adrenal Bioregulators.
Improves the performance of BLOOD CELLS by improving the trophism of the vascular wall cells and regulating metabolic processes in them. By normalising the functional and morphological changes in the vascular wall, they regulate blood content of cholesterol and lipoproteins, thus decreasing the risk of various vascular issues. A key peptide and may be combined with others such as the Heart & Retina Bioregulators.
May be used to improve the performance of the PANCREAS by regulating the activity of the pancreatic enzymes, which that in turn have been shown to decrease sugar levels in diabetic patients and to have stabilised at the lower levels. It has also been shown to restore normal pancreatic tissue in patients with chronic pancreatitis. May be combined with the Pineal Bioregulator for diabetics._
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